Blog: “I want to be a Millionaire”, they say…
“I want to be a millionaire”, they say. My response is not what you would expect.
Everyone is obsessed about buying the latest gadget, they want the latest phone, car or trainers. But, when they finish work they turn on the TV and veg out. What they earn just about covers the bills and, if anything is left, it gets spent on alcohol or the latest gadget. This is how most people who wish to become millionaires live. They are the ones who wish they were millionaires because they know that in order to become a millionaire they will have to change, and change scares people. People generally do not like change, they want things to remain the same, because that’s where they feel comfortable.
The best traders are not trading because they want to become millionaires, they are trading because they actually enjoy it. The rich person often works because they are passionate about their work, the poor person says they work because they have to.
The rich person would still work if they won millions on the lottery because they enjoy their work, but the poor person dreams of quitting their job and moving to a beach side resort where they imagine they will be content to spend the rest of their life doing nothing.
This fallacy is what keeps the poor, poor and makes the rich, rich. The wealthiest work because they have passion for what they are doing, so they keep working because they want to, so they make more money than they ever really need. They work because they actually want to and like working. If you hate your job it will be very hard to get rich.
This is why trading is so good. A rich person can make more money and use it to give money to charity, or have more luxurious holidays. A poor person can quit their day job if they have enough money to start trading.
My idea of rich and poor and your idea of rich and poor is not going to be the same.
Changing your financial situation is not the challenge. If you are not where you want to be, the real issue is your level of consumption. I know a cab driver who spends a year working to save £25,000 then spends two years traveling and doing nothing. Others earn £250,000 a year and spend all their money.
So, the first thing to fix is your spending habits. Once you’ve done that, if you are working on your business as well as yourself, the rest will fix itself.