Most people aren’t motivated enough to change their life and create their life because they are drained by their 9-5 job.
If you love what you do for 40 hours a week then you will have enough mental energy left at the end of each day to be productive and build your own business, exercise, meditate and be productive.
But if you hate your job you will be mentally exhausted every evening and weekend, it’s easier to change direction and build a business or do a degree if you aren’t mentally drained by a job.
Remember your brain is created by what youdo each day. You’re either reinforcing old patterns that may or may not serve you. Or you’re creating new patterns and that means you’re forming new synaptic connections.
In order to form new synaptic connections you have to repeat a behaviour over and over until you can do it effortlessly.
That applies to physical and intellectual pursuits.
The brain learns best if you watch other people that are good at what you’re trying to master. Or if you’ve already mastered it then you need to connect with other people that have mastered it as well so you can bounce ideas off of each other. If you have to explain what you do to everyone that you interact with that can become very draining. Some people will never understand because their attention spans too short. You can blame social media for that.
You need to have at least one person in your life who understands what you’re doing, and who understands how you’re helping people.
When you perform a new task a new neural pathway is established. As you get older your brain prunes itself and discards connections that aren’t used.
That’s where neuroplasticity comes in.
It’s easier to master a new skill if you’re not mentally drained by a job that you hate.
Build your own business if you can so you’re not answerable to anybody.
Then you can pick and choose your clients and work with people that truly appreciate you.
They say that if you do work you love you’ll never work a day in your life.
Learn to trade, build your own business or invest in property.