I strongly recommend trading with fake money on a demo account until you have seen a legal professional. I traded...
The NSP Process
The solution to all of your problems is much simpler than you realise, it’s basic science, neuroscience that can help...
Good parenting
I’m thankful that I have such amazing parents. Throughout my childhood and my teenage years they were very patient, kind...
Are you a good team player?
If one person falls off their board, someone will be there to help them back on. 🙂 It’s easier to...
Read more…
Do you love reading? Do you find it hard to concentrate on one thing for a long time? You need...
BDNF is an important protein that modulates the effect of various neurotransmitter receptors. Neurotransmitters make you feel different things, for...
Vegetable Peptones Are Better Than Collagen Supplements
If you’ve ever wanted scientific proof that eating vegetables keeps you looking young and beautiful here it is! From: Eunsun...
Chromotherapy... #colours #rainbow Some people believe that colours can change your mood and help heal depression, anxiety and even some...
Sun gazing is the practice of gazing at the sun when it is safe to do so. An hour after...