Some people believe that colours can change your mood and help heal depression, anxiety and even some illnesses.
Scientific evidence is scarce, try it for yourself and see! 🙂
Prevalence of chromo therapy as an alternative and complementary treatment option and to raise awareness of its magnificent effects. Methodology: People are using chromo therapy as a complementary as well as an alternative treatment option worldwide. In current studies, survey has been conducted in different educational institutions, hospitals, locality and online data. Close ended questionnaire has been distributed to a sample size of 200 individuals (n= 200). Results: The studies have proved that chromo therapy has tremendous effects on diseases like cancer specially breast cancer, hematoma (red), hepatitis B (combination of various lights), hypertension, neonatal jaundice (blue light), spondylosis, peptic ulcer disease (yellow light), depression and stress, migraine (green light), hyperthyroidism (violet/blue light), alopecia (violet), color blindness (blue/ green) and various skin infections specially cutaneous leishmaniasis (blue and red). Studies have shown that 56.5% individuals of the targeted population, are aware of chromo therapy and 33% of them are in favor that this should prevail as an alternative as well complementary treatment option, due to its minimal or no side effects and its effectiveness. Conclusion: Current studies concluded that chromo therapy is a natural way to cure various ailments, utilizes worldwide. Further it illustrates that chromo therapy is an effective evolution of science in the field of electromagnetic radiation/energy and it can be very helpful in discovering new dimensions of treatment.