Do you have the attention span of a gnat?
Can you focus on one thing for 90 minutes without drugs, coffee, Ritalin, ephedrine, or processed sugar?

If you want to be a successful:
Business owner
You need to be able to focus on one thing for an extended period of time. There are two things you can do to make this easier.
Only focus on things that interest you.
Avoid excitotoxins so you can concentrate
Don’t take stimulants that help you concentrate all the time.
Only use social media for an hour a day
Meditate for an hour or two when you can
Read an actual book for an extended period of time whenever you can.
Don’t watch tv, read a book instead
If you have a lot of free time fill it up with something that stimulates you intellectually as well as physically.
Avoid people that are addicted to social media and don’t see it as a problem. Unless they are using it to get clients.
Only spend time with people that you enjoy listening to, that you find interesting. If you don’t have anyone like that in your life then you need to develop your character….